Design Management Philosophy
For EXCE Projects management is crucial to success; the best talent and experience available will not be effective unless it is organized and managed in a way that makes it relevant and productive. To do this, EXCE project management philosophy incorporates three primary goals:
Create well defined responsibilities by subdividing the total scope and complexity of the project into a series of 
manageable tasks. The sum of these responsibilities forms a mosaic which comprehensively addresses all project 
management issues.
Synthesize into solutions the products of these individual responsibilities. During the design process, the Project 
Manager will integrate individual activities into a single scenario and will provide a framework for monitoring and 
schedule control.
Maintain commitment and responsiveness to the Client´s needs throughout the design process by emphasizing 
effective communications and flexibility. This involves making continuous adjustments during the process as issues are identified and solutions are developed.
In addition, results of all meetings and interactions will be documented and disseminated to Team members, and a 
complete project record will be developed to document how conclusions and solutions were made. The design 
management process will be supported by the full resources of EXCE.
Specifically, our management approach is founded on the following principles:
- Dedicated, experienced leadership
- Clear communication with the Client and their representatives
- Clear communication and lines of responsibility within the Consultant team
- Coordination and integration of all consultant services
- A pro-active approach to problem identification and solving
- A flexible and responsive working style, which allows creative solutions to develop