Project Quality Management
EXCE Quality Control team will start being involved at Concept Design Stage independently to ensure the required quality for the project.
The Quality Control team will ensure that the deliverables are meeting the standard that will allow a contractor to price and execute his part of the work as scheduled. Producing documents that do not fulfill and contain the necessary details for the production of appropriate shop-drawings by the contractor would be a major reason for the failure of the project as a whole.
The Design Team should therefore be looking at conducting their task having a goal of completing the project and not only the design. This is the guiding principle of the Quality Control team. In this respect, it would be essential to select the members of the QC team to have a background of a contractor in order to induce the quality of information to be delivered by the designers.
The responsibility for quality control will be based on a process where careful progress checks will be performed throughout the design, construction documentation, construction, and post-occupancy phases. When performing evaluations of this project, the Team will use cross-team evaluations, an experienced project designers who are not involved in the project will check (audit) the entire body of work at the end of each phase to confirm that drawings and specifications are appropriate to the project in a general technical sense; done to the proper level of detail necessary for contractor interpretation and construction; and well coordinated on an overall and on a specific basis with respect to materials, dimensions, details, etc.
This approach will allow an unbiased staff member to examine the project with a fresh eye. Because this examiner will not have on going prior knowledge of project details, he/she will be more likely to pick up any inconsistencies or omissions in the documents which could hamper contractor interpretation of design and/or technical intent. The use of EXCE in-house professionals for these examinations will streamline and hasten the communication of any deficiencies back to the project team itself while allowing the team to prepare the best possible documents prior o receipt by the Client.
Standardized plan and specification reviews will be performed to provide a mechanism for all team members to meet quality, time, cost goals for the project. The review process outlines tasks that must be completed within each phase of the project’s development so that the team can continue on to a subsequent phase. All of these reviews will be under the direction of the Project Manager and will be used from the time the team is awarded the contract for the project throughout the life of the project.
Regular project meetings will be held with all team members, face-to-face or by webconferencing, to provide a forum for discussion and interaction on important project issues. These meetings will be led by the Project Manager and are designed to bring important issues to the fore and to resolution in a timely manner. These meetings also provide an avenue for heightening quality control and improved communication within the team; by
anticipation of the work that will take place, the team takes a proactive approach to the prevention of problems.